Jill Melendez



Jill is a partner in Hanidel Jones LLP’s Financial Services Group and has an extensive track record in advising firms and individuals facing regulatory and criminal investigations by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Having had the benefit of a 12 month secondment at the Criminal Prosecutions Team at the FCA, Jill has particular insight into the organisation’s approach to the investigation and prosecution of serious financial offences.

Jill advises firms from across the breadth of the regulated sector on the authorisation process, on registration under the Money Laundering Regulations and on supervisory issues. When an authorised firm discovers an internal fraud or other misconduct which may have regulatory implications, it is important that swift and decisive action be taken to address the issue and to satisfy the regulator that all appropriate steps have been taken. Jill has particular expertise in advising firms who are, or who may be, under the scrutiny of the FCA to take a proactive approach to head off potentially adverse action.

Jill advises senior managers and certified persons caught up in investigations into potential breaches of FCA Rules and Principles. She has vast experience in advising individuals – both within and outside the regulated sector – who are facing investigation and / or prosecution by the FCA for criminal offences, and has particular expertise in representing those being prosecuted for insider dealing, including two clients who faced insider dealing charges in large, complex prosecutions. Both were acquitted on all counts.

Jill also advises individuals in respect of applications to hold senior manager or certified person roles and those whose approved status is at risk. She has advised upon applications to vary or revoke prohibition orders and assisted numerous financial professionals in retaining their regulated status and maintaining their careers in the sector.

More generally, Jill has a broad fraud practice and has involvement in many of the largest Serious Fraud Office (SFO) investigations.  She has advised many individuals, both overseas and in the UK, facing potential section 2 / compelled interviews by the SFO, and ensures that they are fully supported throughout that process.

Jill has considerable experience in conducting internal investigations on behalf of corporates, public authorities and other organisations, with particular experience in the regulated financial sector.

Cyber-crime forms an increasing part of Jill’s practice. She specialises in advising individuals and corporates facing investigation or prosecution for cyber-related offences, including computer-enabled fraud, malicious communications, data protection breaches and other forms of computer misuse. Jill has written and spoken widely on cyber-crime and has a particular interest in the regulatory and criminal aspects of cryptoassets.


Professional societies and memberships

  1. The Law Society
  2. Financial Services Lawyers Association
  3. Fraud Lawyers’ Association (FLA)

Jill Melendez

Criminal Ligitation

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